Been a great week. Website has just been finished which I’ll link just below. Have a look – I have archived all the newsletters too for future reference.
1 Learning
Intuition is like the hard-drive of our memories
Intuition has been described as this “gut feeling” – this intuitive sense of knowing what is right for you based on a feeling.
When we go through an experience, there are lots of emotions involved – and we often cannot remember them consciously. Our subconscious does not forget though.
We learn from our life experiences. Lessons are stored as emotions in our emotional hard-drive – the subconscious – throughout the body.
When we encounter a situation that we are uncertain of, we sometimes have a “gut-feeling” – is this our intuition?
I heard a podcast this week telling me that it is. It’s a signal from our subconscious to our conscious mind trying to tell us something and direct us in a certain way based off past experiences.
Interesting. It makes a lot of sense to me.
However, the problem to me lies to whether this “feeling” is a signal from my subconscious or my ego trying to protect me in some way.
More to learn and uncover in this emotional/spiritual/intuition wormhole.
1 Quote
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” – Jed Kemp
Great quote. Your mindset determines how you see the world.
Is it a failure or a lesson? A struggle or a challenge? A burden or a responsibility?
How often does our mood dictate the way we see everything in our life?
The things in our life can change simply by putting on a different lens.
It’s like wearing glasses and seeing differently, except the glasses is our mindset.
We invest so much time trying to change the things in our life, time is often better spent changing the way we look at the things in our life.
This is the power of gratefulness. Invest time into this practice.
However, I’m a striver and always encourage people to grow. So balancing growth with an appreciation for the things in their current life is a good compromise between the two.
1 Idea
The illusion of the finish line can create a sense you haven’t succeeded
All the events in your life have led up to this moment, reading these words.
Sometimes that’s scary. Most of us are ambitious, wanting more out of life in some way – financially, emotionally, spiritually.
And because we often aren’t where we want to be, it can feel like a never-ending journey of chasing more – which it sort of is.
Let me explain
- Change happens slowly – day to day growth is often invisible – this lack of perceived value in our daily actions can prevent us from taking positive action today to reap the rewards in the distant future
- Our goals are constantly shifting relative to our perception of what we think we are capable of – this means that our expectations can shift us into a permanent sense of incompleteness as growth occurs
We wake up some mornings feeling like we can take on the world and achieve anything. Sometimes we feel useless and like everything has been a waste of time.
Because change is slow but our goals change quick, this puts us in a vulnerable position to never feel good enough
The anti-dote is simple (in theory, not reality):
- Take the time to appreciate your growth (compare today’s self to 1 year ago self)
- Find ways to enjoy the journey and not become attached to the idea of success but rather the feelings of growth and contentment in yourself
- Practice self-acceptance (learn ways to love who you are – instead of trying to be the best at everything)
- Let go of the judgement of others (often people’s judgement is the cause of this rush we feel to achieve things)
Pod Summary
#92- Josh Brown – Bloke to Bloke Podcast – great chat around his podcast journey, taking risks, the lack of personal development in schools and much more.
#93 – Beth Egbers – Nurse, Content Creator, Gym Goer – doing lots of good things and learnt so much from her journey – great topics around navigating the growth and changes when you change your life
Thank-you for the support.