Pause, Perception & Power Words

Weekly Recap

Hi friends…since we last spoke

15 newsletters. That’s gone quickly.

Anyways, I changed the podcast name to Timeless Mindset, creating a mindset to last a lifetime. Here’s a little rundown of why I think it’s suitable.

Most of the conversations I have appear timeless. They could have as easily occurred  50 years ago and you wouldn’t be able to tell. They are deep and meaningful conversations about life and how to deal with the things that come at us.

Creating a life worth living through a good mindset.. And the inclusion of mindset is apparent. All of them incorporate the way our mind is set on thinking. Mind-set. Timeless mindset. I like it. I LOVE IT.


2 Ideas from me

1.Pause more often and you’ll get more out of the movie

I’ve had a massive week of reflection during my rebranding process and it got me thinking.

Sometimes when I watch a movie, it goes too quickly and I often miss out on tiny pieces of information that have significant meaning. Then I re-watch the movie and it surprises me how I missed such an important idea/ message.

This happens in our life all the time.

It happened this week when I took a moment to pause and uncovered some things I was super grateful for but didn’t take the time to appreciate.

Life happens fast, just like a movie. However, you have the remote in your hands to take a moment to pause, reflect and appreciate the simple things that make life worth living.

How do I do this?

I started journalling in 2024 and it’s provided me with a daily opportunity to think and reflect in whatever form. It doesn’t always have to be super positive and affirmational.

Movies aren’t always sunshines and rainbows but that’s what makes the good moments even more special. Appreciating life in all forms is a great way to extract more depth and substance out of this life.

Another method I love is having meaningful conversations with people in my life to discuss our lives, ideas and beliefs. A time to pause and find more meaning in this world.

Your movie. Your remote.

  1. Perception is more important but action is more valuable

It’s really easy to press your thumbs on a screen and appear to be a genuinely good person. The perception of who you are is so important in the digital market of personal branding, networking and e-commerce.

People spend more time trying to appear good than actually doing good. It’s something I’ve found myself guilty of before but have made sure to balance my perception with genuine value on other human beings.

I take pride in helping others and not just appearing to help others.

However, my idea is that yes perception is arguably more important in terms of marketing yourself and creating favourable impressions of you but the real genuine human value comes with action.

When all is said and done, more is said than done. I don’t want to be that person. It scares me. Doing the meaningful things I preach is a big part of my identity and plays a big role in my mental health. I feel like a fraud if I cannot live by the high standards I set for others with my advice!

Luckily, being a good person and doing kind things is so rewarding and fun that it doesn’t feel like a chore and something I need to do but rather driven by my passion to create better lives for myself & others.

This may seem obvious. However, there are a lot of people scattered across the social media space that are more focussed on their image and not their intentions.

Appearing good is socially beneficial but doing good is soulfully beneficial.

1 Quote

“Have strong opinions loosely held, not loose opinions strongly held.”

– Chris Williamson

Strong opinions loosely held means that you should have well-formed beliefs or opinions but remain open to new evidence or perspectives that may challenge or alter those opinions.

The opposite “loose opinions strongly held” means having weak or poorly formed beliefs but being very resistant to changing them. This approach can lead to closed-mindedness and an unwillingness to consider alternative perspectives or evidence.

A great decision-making framework and basis for building beliefs. You don’t want to be that person who lives or dies by whether to store tomato sauce in the fridge or pantry.


1% Tip

I have to. I CHOOSE TO.

Re-frame the things in your life that feel like chores with the empowerment of choice.

I have to go to the gym. Ahhh.

I have to make my healthy breakfast. Ahhh.

I choose to go to the gym – I am active.

I choose to spend my time preparing a good meal – I care about my body.

We think the words we use don’t matter. They do. How we frame our choices makes a massive difference to the way we approach them and experience them.

Our thoughts alter out biochemistry.

By simply using empowering words, different chemicals are transmitted throughout your whole body which create more energy. The science of this stuff is crazy. Why do you think positive people seem to be so energetic?

Yes, the gym can be tiring and not every session will be record-breaking but you’re still choosing to do it, so why don’t you also choose some self-talk that will make it easier and more enjoyable.

When you make choices because you have the intention to better yourself, you’re putting votes of confidence into the person you’re trying to become. This creates belief and is re-affirming.

When you do things out of obligation and with such a disempowered mindset, it will feel more tiring and put way less votes of confidence into your future self.


Pod Summary

#72 – Jack McIntosh & Egan Brooks- a great episode reflecting on our journey so far, uncovering some layers and digging into audience questions

#73 – Sam O’Brien – should you drop out of uni? We start with this question and have a great conversation around it. Content creator, freelancer, young man and full of ideas and passion.

Thankyou for supporting the Podcast.
Egan <3