Food & Content Diet, Values

One of the best weeks I’ve had for a while. My biggest change? My diet.

One of my big values is health and I’ve been making plenty of excuses as to why I’m constantly snacking on processed food and putting my health second.

My diet isn’t perfect, it doesn’t need to be. But when I make healthier choices, I feel better and do more things which in turns makes me feel better. So eating healthier is actually a great domino for my life and I often forget that.

The podcast is going well, been smashing out the interviews with some amazing guests and plenty more to come! Also the Timeless Mindset website will be up and running within 2 weeks which is exciting.

A one stop shop for my podcast, about me section, newsletter etc to access old articles and a great place to send people interested in this space.


2 Ideas from me

  1. Pick your domino

Everyone has that one thing in their life that just gets them going.

For me, it’s my diet. I’m sensitive to the foods I eat and it has a massive impact on my mental health.

Obviously sleep and exercise are massive components too but I have a great routine for these. Food is also a very easy thing to let slide and your small bad choices can accumulate without you even noticing.

This week proved to me once again the psychological impact of food and being nourished with proper foods. It also showed me that I once again was limiting myself.

Everyone should reflect on different aspects on their life that have a big influence on their mental health and motivation.

What choices do you make that change how you feel?

When do I feel my most on?

When am I most driven?

Being self-aware of these things will be massive for taking positive steps in your life.

Sleep, exercise and food are massive for everyone. Just getting those right is probably the best place to start considering how poor we are at nailing those things.

  1. Social media isn’t the problem, you are

How often do we hear that social media is one of the biggest contributors to the mental health crisis?

Is it? Why? Do you know social media works?

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok especially have an algorithm.

The aim of these platforms is to keep you on them for their own financial gain.

The algorithm is a fancy word for content you consume.

These platforms will keep pumping out content specifically to you so that you stay on the apps.

The problem is that as humans we have a negativity bias meaning we are constantly scanning the environment for cues to our safety.

It’s evolutionary, hard to change. So when we come across information on these platforms centred around things like relationships, work, life etc that are so negative, we get hooked.

Then begins the doom scrolling. This is the problem.

Then the app keeps pushing this content and you get stuck in this vicious cycle where you are consuming content that makes you feel worse, which in turn makes you watch more of it and then it pushes more of it to you.

The algorithm isn’t the problem, you are.

It’s our human addiction to negativity. We want to find information that confirms our preexisting beliefs.

Things like why men are so bad, why life is so hard and never good, why people are all negative and no-one cares etc…

The point is that it’s our responsibility to be more aware of what we watch and why we watch it.

My platforms are filled with educational and motivational content due to the content I consume. The positive feedback loop is amazing and pushes me in a positive direction.

It’s difficult to get out of this addiction, that’s what it is after all.

But it’s your responsibility. If you want to change your life, you have to change the content you are consuming. It has such a drastic impact on your psychological wellbeing.

My simple solution is to download an app called one sec which can place time limits on apps, lock you out from apps and force you to wait certain amounts of time before entering.

Apps like these are great for awareness. It’s so easy to fall into these scrolling traps and mindlessly waste away your mental health but the cost is so large in the long run.


1 Quote

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything

– Jacob Blight (EP 86)


Great line. I’ve heard it somewhere before but it really hits me differently when I hear these lines during my Podcasts.

I have been reflecting recently on values. So I spent a few weeks thinking about what I value most in life and what brings me the most fulfilment.

It’s a great exercise to do and can take plenty of time. Try to be honest. What evidence do you have for these values?

It’s more than okay to pick values that aren’t potentially virtue signalling.

Like you can’t pick honesty if you’re constantly telling white lies and making excuses to yourself.

You shouldn’t pick authenticity if you constantly cave into peer pressure and do what others think.

You don’t value it enough if your behaviours don’t align with the value.

Be honest. If you value partying, socialising – that’s okay.

To create new values, you have to change your behaviours to match that.

Remember, to reach certain goals in life you have to become somebody who is capable of reaching those goals. And that somebody would have certain values.

Discipline? Commitment? Responsibility?

Find out who you want to be if you’re not currently happy with your current self and strive to live by those new values.

Create evidence that you value this. You will change your beliefs about yourself and your values now align.

This is how you change. Not by shouting affirmations in the mirror without changing anything.


1% Tip

Grab a journal and note how you feel 1 hour after each meal

Notice any trends.

What foods make me feel tired? What foods are bringing me genuine energy?

Reflect at the end of each day and try to create awareness around the food you’re putting into your body and the impact on your wellbeing.

The best way to fix a problem is to know you have one in the first place.


Pod Summary

#86 – Jacob Blight – WAFL footballer, passionate young man in the self-development and entrepreneur space. A great episode centred around mindset / mental health and his journey

#87 – Darcy Connolly – 24 – lives in his van and started travelling around Australia – entrepreneur and starting a personal brand – great episode for those wanting inspiration to make a big change

Thankyou for supporting the Podcast.
Egan <3