1 Learning
Happiness = Quality Relationships
Harvard commenced a study in 1938 to find out what contributes to happiness. They found that:
Relationship satisfaction at age 50 was the single greatest predictor of physical health at age 80.
Individuals with the strongest bonds live longer, happier and healthier lives.
The study director Robert Waldinger:
“What we found is that the people who were the happiest were not isolated. They were not workaholics who didn’t pay any attention to their relationships. Those people were some of the saddest folks in our study and were filled with regret when they were in their 80s and we asked them to look back on their lives. The people who were most successful at this didn’t just leave it to chance.”
They made plans, reached out to friends and joined community groups.
1 Quote
The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.” – Tony Robbins
One of the most consistent findings in psychology is that strong relationships are the foundation to a happy life.
It not only protects you against life’s stresses but amplifies your positive experiences.
1 Idea
The elderly have taken the test of life: will you listen to the answers?
3 of the top 5 regrets of the elderly were:
“I wish I hadn’t worked so hard”
“I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends”
“I wish I’d let myself be happier”
This Weeks Podcast Guests
#102 – Cass Edmondson – Personal Trainer – Inspiring story to start her own business and work incredibly hard to have her success – lots of value about what makes a good coach (human basically)
#103 – Harry Quayle – Business Owner – Interesting conversation that talks through life, emotions, dealing with hate and the self-imposed pressures – great value