1 Learning
86% of people divorced re-marry within 5 years.
We are driven towards intimate connection as humans.
Despite the pain and struggle of divorce, there is such a high re-marry rate.
We love loving. It can be painful, scary and exciting. A concoction of life’s most powerful emotions is contained within love.
The evidence is clear though, we are programmed to connect with other human beings.
1 Quote
“I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and impossible, the fact that something seems impossible shouldn’t be a reason to not pursue it, that’s exactly what makes it worth pursuing. Where would the courage in greatness be if success was certain and there was no risk. The only true failure is shrinking away from life’s challenges” – Nietzsche
This is a great mindset. It’s not about the success of the destination, but the courage to undertake the journey.
1 Idea
Self-compassion & authenticity are prerequisites to fulfilment
No matter how much success you have: without self-compassion and authenticity – you won’t feel fulfilled.
Authenticity ensures the success you have is aligned to your true self – it’s personally meaningful.
Self-compassion involves being kind to yourself. You may achieve authentic success but without accepting all your mistakes along the way, you won’t truly embrace the power of your achievements.
Shame & guilt can be stored in the body. So despite moving on towards an evolved authentic self, the shame of an inauthentic self may still be dragging you down.
So to be fulfilled, your life will need these two elements.
The alignment from authenticity and the self-compassion to appreciate it.
Pod Summary
#100- Tiana Jhoad – business owner – lots of value around how to make an authentic brand and her story is very inspiring
#101 – 10 of the biggest lessons from 100 episodes – get into the power of being authentic, lowering expectations and kind to yourself on the journey
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