
Certainty, Circuit Breaker & Candles
Weekly Recap Hi friends…since we last spoke Sending this out early! Leaving tomorrow morning for the weekend and just want to make sure this gets sent. In a bit of...

Consistency, Kindness & Standards
Weekly Recap Hi friends…since we last spoke Been full on this last week with work, podcast, training commitments and a few Brookomode projects. However, I love it. Also, changed my...

Opposites, Mistakes & Failure
Weekly Recap Hi friends…since we last spoke First week off from Uni and into the real world… But probably just overdoing a few plans and projects so have had to...

Known, Authenticity & Yet
Weekly Recap Hi friends…since we last spoke *Just finished writing, it’s long but my best one by far. Enjoy and see you next week. Things are going well. I’ve been...
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